Sentinel 7 – Raptor hits #19 on Beatport & Best New Psy-Trance & Peak Hour charts

Raptor is currently #17 on Beatport’s Top 100 chart, as well as being featured on their Best New Psy-Trance and Peak Hour charts.
Sentinel 7 returns with his most exciting release yet. Raptor is all action – no filler! Sentinel 7 has been releasing track after incredible track each one breaking new ground and no two sounding the same.
Raptor wastes no time launching into a psychedelic mind explosion from the very start. The lead line shreds the night sky with a slinky flanging melody. The bassline has a fierce roll all of its own that grabs the listener and doesn’t let go. This is peak time mayhem at its finest!
30 November 2019 News